CutePuppies is a community of dog lovers whose mission is to make lives better by placing healthy puppies into happy homes.
We think that finding good feel what you need to care for your cute funny puppies should be convenient and informational. We are dedicated to spreading that loving affection to ensure the absolute best care for your pet, we have created not just a website or an online store, but a safe and comfortable web-based community.
What Do We Do?
CutePuppies uses a personalized approach that caters to the needs of those in search of a new furry friend as well as the breeders who are looking for their puppies’ forever homes.
Our Mission
Our mission is to helping responsible breeders place their puppies with caring individuals and families in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Dallas, and across the U.S.
History Of Us
The CutePuppies brand, with puppies at the center, is rooted in the belief that dogs should be celebrated, and owners deserve to experience trust, confidence and transparency when searching for their new companions.
Free Shipping & Ontime Delivery
We all become too much excited when it comes to the availability of free shipping. Come on! grab our exciting deals for free shipping.
100% Money Back Guarantee
When we say we offer “Best in Class Service”, we mean it. And more importantly, we stand behind it. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, simply call us back (within 30 days) and we will refund your money. No questions asked.
Online Support 24/7
We have a dedicated customer support desk to hear from you at any point of time, you require our help. We make sure that your needs are taken care to the best of our ability.